Monday, March 28, 2005


That's what the pieces of the Onde raglan are doing right now. I finished the front piece last Thursday. I got up the Saturday and washed the pieces. The Onde had a strange smell to it, like mineral oil or some sort of finisher...I wanted to wash the pieces well to get some of that smell out. The Sew E-z board is great! Having the inch markings makes pinning pieces a lot easier. Phildar patterns have very detailed schematics, so it seemed fitting that this was the first project that went onto the blocking board.

The down side, so far, is that the board isn't as big as I thought it would be. For larger projects, such as a men's sweater/cardigan, I will probably need to block the sleeves separately. I don't think that will be a big problem since I usually knit sleeves first.

I foresee a seaming session this Friday when I have the day off. I'll have to make sure I get a good movie to put on in the background.

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