knit, frog, repeat...
There's a whole lot of ripping going on, chez needleGirl! I've been slowing piecing the Log Cabin blanket squares together, only to realize that I had two squares that just wouldn't work. Somehow, I had knit one too many of one pattern and completely botched another. I am ripping these two and knitting the correct patterns.
I have been using mattress stitch to join the squares because it is what I am most proficient with. I considered doing a crochet join, but found it really hard to get things to line up correctly where the bound off edges meet salvage edges. I have completed 3 out of the five rows (with five squares in each row). I'm going to block these three rows this weekend.
My second frog fest takes the form of Roza's sock. I hadn't been working on this project since I wanted to finish up the blanket. A couple of weeks ago, I got together with Maya for some knitting, so it seemed natural that I work on it. I had gotten about 5 inches of the leg done, and decided to carefully try it on...Can you see where this is going? The sock-to-be was very tight around my foot, and there is absolutely no way that I could work it around my heel and onto the leg. So, Roza got a one-way ticket to the pond. What really sucks is that I took time to swatch for this project, and things should have worked out. On the bright side, I can go back and add the garter stitch detail that the pattern has, but I neglected to include the first time around.