Thursday, November 29, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 29...

I'm seaming as fast as I can! Last night I washed to pieces and dried them. Although the yarn is not supposed to shrink in width, I'm a little worried about how this sweater will fit. I knit the size that is supposed to fit a 34" bust. The pattern says that the final width should be 19 inches...well, mine is more like 17!

I set in the sleeves over lunch, and will be working the first side seam on the way home. Not only am I fond of knitting in public, I even do my finishing in public. I should definitely earn a badge for that!

Thankfully, I still have tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 27...

I'm in the home stretch! I was very productive over the holiday weekend, as I expected. I had finished the back last Tuesday, and I finished up the back yesterday night. Tonight, I will be weaving in the ends and washing the pieces of the sweater. I think the beauty of this sweater will be the fact that it doesn't get blocked!

Friday, November 16, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 16...

The month is halfway through. With 15 days down, I am exactly 50% through Katy. This morning, I finished the 6th of 12 skeins. I'm 9.5 inches in to the back. I'm not even going to think about taking a picture of the progress I've made because I basically have a dark indigo rectangle. I suspect that it wouldn't make the most interesting photo shoot.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me, but I should be able to sneak in some knitting time. Since AF and I are driving to North Carolina for Thanksgiving, I'm not worried about finishing by the 30th. I'm guaranteed four and a half hours of uninterrupted knitting while AF drives!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 13...

Nothing to worry about. I'm still plugging away at Katy. Here are some progress shots that I took last Thursday.

Close up of the stitch pattern.
Since taking these pictures, I have completed the second sleeve and made it about four inches into the back. I'll spare you the boring details since the body of the sweater is stockinette.

Once I finished the second sleeve, the rest of the weekend was spent working on the Log Cabin Blanket. I completed all of the seaming, and have already started the crochet border. I can honestly say that this project will be finished this week.

I'm still trying to decided what to do about my camera. I hope that I can make it until the end of the year without buying one. Maybe there will be some deals after the holidays.

Monday, November 05, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 5...

Yesterday afternoon, Maya came over and we did some knitting. While I worked on the first sleeve for Katy, she knit away on her NaKniSweMo selection, Breton Girl. I managed to finish the first sleeve despite many minor mistakes. For some reason, I kept forgetting that the pattern is a 4-row repeat. For some reason, I wanted it to be a 2-row repeat...many rows were tinked that afternoon.

Friday, November 02, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 1...

Katy is off to a strong start. I cast on as soon as soon as I got up in the morning, accompanied by my morning coffee. At the end of yesterday, I had 7 inches of the first sleeve done. That's the first 5 of 11 increases. The stockinette is kind of boring, but it goes by pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, I discovered that my camera isn't working. Argh. Last weekend when I went to take pictures, the thing couldn't turn on. I attributed it to a dead battery. Well, after what should have been a full charge, the camera still doesn't turn on. I even tried the battery in AF's camera (same model), no go. Then, I tried his battery in my camera. It turned on, but then I couldn't get it to turn off. The following picture was taken this morning courtesy of AF's camera. Please, excuse the horrible lighting!

Let it be known that this discovery was made exactly one year after the camera was purchased, so it's no longer under warranty. Oh well, a new camera might be at the top of my Christmas list (again).