Thursday, November 29, 2007

NaKniSweMo, day 29...

I'm seaming as fast as I can! Last night I washed to pieces and dried them. Although the yarn is not supposed to shrink in width, I'm a little worried about how this sweater will fit. I knit the size that is supposed to fit a 34" bust. The pattern says that the final width should be 19 inches...well, mine is more like 17!

I set in the sleeves over lunch, and will be working the first side seam on the way home. Not only am I fond of knitting in public, I even do my finishing in public. I should definitely earn a badge for that!

Thankfully, I still have tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Fabulous and you earn two badges!!! I'm learning how to knit now and i've noticed several folks on the metro knitting away. it's pretty neat [pun intended] :-)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the finish product:)

Haven't been knitting or doing derby lately maybe that's why I have been so cranky!

margene said...

Good luck. I hope you made it!